“Absaroka: Where the Auguish of a Soldier Meets the Land on the Crow,” by Joan Bochmann

Yet another new book out from Janet Muirhead Hill’s Raven Publishing. Author Joan Bochmann got the idea for this novel when studying the history of Wyoming. A group of activists in Northern Wyoming attempted to carve out a new state they called Absaroka that included parts of Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota. Of course it…

Riehlife Poem-of-the-Day: “Without You,” by Janet Muirhead Hill

I met Janet Muirhead Hill through Women Writing the West. Janet is the author of several novels for children ages 8 – 14, including the Miranda and Starlight series of six book about the bond, formed in tragic circumstances, between a horse (Starlight) and a young girl. (Miranda.) I’m a huge fan of her work….

Riehlife Rejection Resources from the WRITE PEN! archives

To complement Eden Maxwell’s excellent advice today on making rejection work in your creative life, look in Riehlife’s WRITE PEN! archives for more solid advice on using rejection by Nancy Connally, Janet Muirhead Hill…and (the other Janet) myself. My article “Relishing Rejection” was posted on “Eliot, a Literary Blog” as well as www.ezinearticles.com. August 24,…

“Getting to Know You” blogging Meme…ta-da-ta-da…”Getting to know what to say…”

Sing along, now, everybody, all together: “Getting to know you, Getting to feel free and easy When I am with you, Getting to know what to say” That’s the essence of the “Getting to Know You” blogging meme which Isabella Mori of Change Therapy has just tagged me to participate in. Poinsetta, December-child’s flower DECEMBER…