Pop’s Come Back at Home

It’s been no time at all since Pop’s return from the hospital. We can say two things for certain:

First, he’s still his indomitable self, blessing the world a little longer with his presence: playing music, finding the true game in hide-and-seek with his 8 year-old great grand daughter (namely…pretend not to find, while clearly finding!), continuing to document family letters and photos, recording his 8 songs for copyright on our audiobook “Sightlines: A Family Love Story in Poetry and Music,” and…most importantly…continuing to live independently in the huge family home in the the family for generations. This last is supported, of course, by a team of family and neighbors, each with our informally agreed-upon jobs.

Secondly, when you go through multiple heart attacks and almost a week in the hospital, you cannot expect to exactly feel like a spring chicken…at least not right away!

His nerves are frazzled.
He’s tired, admitting it, and resting.
He doesn’t feel quite as good as he did before the whole adventure.

Not that he complains, mind you. Just saying.

May we all age so gracefully and take his example as our model.

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One Comment

  1. Janet,
    When you said “may we all age so gracefully” I thought of someone I wish I could introduce to your dad. You may have met Jane Weaver. She and her late husband were responsible for the beautiful renovations to the Weaver Auditorium at Lower Lake Schoolhouse Museum. I saw her Sunday, celebrating her (87th, I think!) birthday with friends. Jane still grieves for her husband, but says she stays young by remembering to take a deep breath and throw her shoulders back.
    Now, I’m not trying to play long-distance cupid or anything, but I think Jane and your dad would admire each other if they ever met. They are quite different, and yet much the same in their dignity, sense of humor, feisty attitude, and refusal to get old!

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