Bye-Bye 2010. Hello 2011. Ernest Dempsey’s thoughts

2010 is leaving. After a few hours, it’ll be gone. Really? Let’s ask ourselves, can a moment, let alone an entire 12-month period, suddenly vanish as the clock ticks 12 midnight? Boy! That’s almost like accusing the year of escaping in the middle of the night like a thief after stealing something from our lives….

13 Tips for Longevity and Health: “A tough old bird shows us how to fly.”

Here comes another present for my father’s 95th birthday November 9, 2010. My article “Erwin A. Thompson: A tough old bird shows us how to fly” has just come out under the “Inspiration” category in October’s “Recovering The Self:A Journal of Hope & Healing” Volume II, Number 4. Victor R. Volkman is the publisher for…

Recovering the Self: new magazine edited by Ernest Dempsey, published by Loving Healing Press

Ernest Dempsey is starting a new magazine called Recovering the Self, on self-help/growth/development. It will be published by the Loving Healing Press and will include articles, essays, stories (both fictional and true), journal entries, book reviews, short plays, interviews – virtually anything on the theme of healing/recovering from a trauma, setback, or loss. Feel free…