Good News from Pakistan by Karim Khan
Follow this link to read good news from Pakistan: written by Karim Khan, Peshawar, Pakistan. Peaceful Ashora in Hangu Fills the Air with Hope
Follow this link to read good news from Pakistan: written by Karim Khan, Peshawar, Pakistan. Peaceful Ashora in Hangu Fills the Air with Hope
Jana Segal who writes Reel Inspiration reviews “A Single Man.” She’s a good guide to the movies.
Follow the blog tour TREASURE HUNT to receive a free copy of our new audio book “Sightlines: A Family Love Story in Poetry and Music.” Week Three June 15-19 17 Sharman Apt Russell interviews Janet on the themes of love, place, and meaning on her group blog Love of Place celebrating place and a greater…
About BFA Books For Africa is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving as the largest shipper of donated text and library books to the African continent. Since 1988, Books For Africa has shipped over 22 million primary, secondary, post-secondary, and community library books to 45 countries in Africa. Books For Africa has received the highest ratings…
On Matilda Butler’s and Kendra Bonnett’s Women’s Memoirs “Book Raves” I’ve reviewed Linda Joy Myers’ The Power of Memoir: How to Write Your Healing Story Linda’s book combines a manual of writing craft with a companion to guide the writer’s psyche towards health and wholeness. As a family therapist Myers understandably focuses on family-based memoir,…
Those of you who went to Sunday School will recognize my play on words with the beattitudes (be-attitudes). Coming back from such a sea-change trip, I wanted to count some blessings I received on home ground in this post. In another post, I’ll count blessings footloose and abroad. 1) Send-off Dinner. Before I left, Doreen…
RED CARPET PREMIERE SCREENING of the documentary film: Against All Odds: A Story of Courage, Community and Spirit in East St Louis, Illinois The film tells the important story of East St Louis – past and present. It brings new hope and a new kind of image to a misunderstood city. Two important screening dates…