“Measuring Life,” thoughts by Daniel Holland
How to Measure
Life is measured by a watch and a ruler.
By the way, what time is it?
How to Measure
Life is measured by a watch and a ruler.
By the way, what time is it?
I eat, smell, inhale, and cling to the dirt. I am gardener, feel my grit.
Here’s Daniel Holland’s fanciful description of his writing process.–JGR I’m good at getting the hooks and baiting the hooks. I’m frustrated though, once my line is in the water. I don’t yet know how to play the line so I can get the bites and catch the fish. There’s my line in the water, dangling,…
I was in my boxers enjoying my box turtle while eating my box lunch before the big boxing match on TV. But there was this old TV show “Let’s Make a Deal” and I wanted to know what was in box number 1. Imagine somebody took away the computers, pens and pencils. The only writing…
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Hey Man, this weird thing happened yesterday down at the vegetable stand I own. When they fertilized the field in back of my stand, the field flooded. The water rushed into a hole in back of the cabbage bin. Man, was I bummed out when I saw that! I didn’t want to throw away the…
I always lie when I tell snow stories. You say you walked to school as a kid in two feet of snow. I say I walked in three feet of snow. Not only that–it was 20 degrees below zero. There were no bathrooms in sight, a lot of people around. I was pee-shy.
Daniel, how should we measure life, do you think? If not by a watch and a ruler? If not by things that we can quantify, how should a person’s life be measured? I know you are poking fun at this way of looking at progress and achievement, but I’m curious about what you think.
Life is measured by some with watch and ruler…but by others it is measured perhaps by laughter, sunsets and ice cream cones.
Perhaps the best measure of life is losing track of measuring at all. Ya know, when you’re into whatever you’re into and hours have flown by with no watch or ruler needed.