Day 3: Ten Zen Seconds Blogtour–Happiness is in the Details
Patsy Terrell chats with Eric Maisel today on the topic of happiness.
Patsy Terrell chats with Eric Maisel today on the topic of happiness.
Donna Druchunas is a freelance technical writer and editor and a knitwear designer. When she’s not working, she reviews books about science, religion, and skepticism and mouths off on the Skepchick blog where she is part of a team of thinking women who reject superstition and pseudo-science and prefer to use reason and evidence to…
Shannon Grissom is a painter, author and television host who gives folks the opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at her life and the creative process. Shannon started the blog “Monkey Made of Sockies” as a way to share her new monkey paintings. The blog is now evolving into a quirky examination of the seriously…
Melanie Bowden is a freelance writer, teacher, and mother of two. She teaches infant massage classes, writing classes, and speaks to parenting groups about postpartum issues. She is also the creator of the workshop, “How To Reduce New Parent Stress”. Melanie’s mission is to help make the transition of others to parenthood a lot smoother…
Judith Nasse and Eric focus on the creative process of writing children’s books. How do you maintain daily creativity and a positive outlook in the face of the long process, rejections, the inevitable doubts, and the plethora of conflicting attitudes from society and the publishing world? Also, Ten Zen Second techniques for children.
Isabella Mori is a psychotherapist and writer. Her blog “change therapy” deals with the wide range of experience of our inner lives, from the joyous ” 9 ways to feed the spirit to the academic 10 paradoxes of creative people , from the hopeful recovering anorexia to the amusing Inspired by Dr. Suess. Special interests…
Martha Garvey discusses responsible pet ownership with Eric in a sweet and human interview. Isnt’ it curious how it is our pets that bring out our most lovable human qualities?