“Christmas in My Mind,” by Ernest Dempsey. Chatting across the oceans

Ernest Dempsey and I met in 2007 when he reviewed my book “Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary” on TCM Reviews–Tami Brady’s review site. Since then we’ve become writing friends across the waves. On Riehlife I’ve often referred to him as “Our Man in Pakistan.” Have some fun reviewing the Riehlife archives that feature Ernest Dempsey’s wit…

Mini-Memoir Contest Uses Google-Search–your own You Tube video in 5 minutes!

Womens Memoirs keeps coming up with new, fun contests. This one uses the Google-Search tool to make your own You Tube video that quickly shows the arc of your story. Besides being fun, it helps you sharpen the classic story stages. Does this sound complicated? Not at all. The technology is transparent with easy instructions….