Loyal to the Bone

BASTARD OUT OF CAROLINA by Dorothy Allison. In this powerful book of suffering, strength, and grace, family love provides all of the above. The most powerful aspect of Allison’s book for me is her ability to remain loyal to truth, and Bone’s ability to remain loyal to a family ripped through with flaws, and that…

Court Procedural with Quirky Humor for Good Measure

CRATER COUNTY: A LEGAL THRILLER OF NEW MEXICO by Jonathan Miller Jonathan Miller writer a sort of court procedural tale, quite in keeping with his lawyer-self. Add romance, a pinch of creepy suspense, interesting characters, and a marvelous New Mexican backdrop and it makes for good entertainment. Don’t forget to look for the humor in…

Time Capsule of Early Women’s Movement

Uncommon Women and Others by Wendy Wasserman. I narrowly missed attending a Seven Sisters College, but this play shows me everything I might have missed–for good or ill. It’s a time capsule, most forcefully, of the 1970s Women’s Movement Early Days–thoughtfully and comically presenting relationships between women, personalities and choices, while probing the question, “What…

Birth Order Blues

Birth Order Blues: How Parents Can Help their Children Meet the Challenges of their Birth Order by Meri Wallace. Birth Order Blues is a truly useful book–for any family member at any age. Here I am, a middle-aged woman with no biologiacal children, yet I find the information useful which Meri Wallace presents so clearly…