Kathleen Norris on Connections…poets and farmers…connections and rain gauges

Kathleen Norris (Photo by Gregory Yamamoto from the Barclay Agency) Telling a poet not to look for connections is like telling a farmer not to look at the rain gauge after a storm. –page 171, “Dakota: A Spiritual Geography,” by Kathleen Norris (my lineation for emphasis) Click here to read a marvelous interview between Homiletics…

“Home Sweet Home”–poetic excerpt from “Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary”

During this time I’m in Lake County in Northern California and walking when I can in Clear Lake State Park, the jewel of the county on Clear Lake and nestled on the shoulders of Mt. Konocti…these lines from my poem HOME SWEET HOME often run through my mind…excerpts below. You can read more from “Sightlines:…