Riehlife Meditation on Bumps and Mountains…across the plains of our worlds—conversation starter and writing prompt

When one wrinkle is made smooth, I notice a bump beyond…in the distance…and want to go there and explore. What could that bump be? A mountain, perhaps? Or, just a molehill? I see a vast plain, like a tapestry carpet stretching out before me…miles to the mountain. I will journey over the plains, but need…

Thich Nhat Hahn Room Featured Communion of Institute of Noetic Sciences’ “Shift in Action”

Beautiful multi-media presentation fully worthy of the topic “The End of Suffering.” Brooks Cole who hosts the Thich Nhat Hahn Room introduces it in this way: Very seldom as a media artist do I have the opportunity to be so moved by the material that I am composing with that tears are streaming down my…

Hardworking Roses: abundance and generosity multiply like rose petals

You’ll recall I received two dozen roses this Valentine’s Day. As it turns out, both bouquets were from one man, my sweetheart of yore, my dear-hearted friend of now, Daniel Holland, of Lake County in Northern California. As it turns out, Daniel ordered one dozen roses and Fortune multiplied his order by two. The arithmetic…

Acres of Roses arriving on Valentine’s Day doorstep 2008 made me weak and knocked me off my feet

Twice I responded to the summoning of my doorbell. Twice a grinning and harried floral delivery man handed me a huge bouquet of roses…not red, not pink, but peachy…my favorite color. A dozen times 2 = 2 dozen roses for 2008 Valentine’s Day. I’m sure sometime in my life I’ve been sent flowers by delivery….

Katherine Dunham: “Something creative has to go on.” Even cactus gardens in Mexico.

A creative person has to create. It doesn’t really matter what you create. If such a dancer wanted to go out and build the cactus gardens where he could, in Mexico, let him do that, but something that is creative has to go on. —Katherine Dunham…click here to read her bio in the Black Collegian.

Inspiring New Year’s Story by Erwin A. Thompson—Of a time when a man’s character and long friendship was “the best security in the world” for a life-changing loan in December 1941

My father Erwin A. Thompson, grandson of E. A. Riehl, writes fondly of Lee Maupin, his boyhood neighbor…and how Pop changed the course of Lee’s life…with a big boost from my Great Aunt Mim. Lee is gone now. And the farm is completely changed. Pop and I still visit Kay Maupin up in Otterville. Kay…

Heart Practice—Variation on the Nectar Flow–Changing the Oil Under the Hood of Your Heart

In The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Soyal Rinpoche in Chapter 19 “Helping After Dying” Rinpoche shares a beautiful HEART PRACTICE on pages 313-316 “that can truly help you when you are suffering from deep sorrow and grief. It is a practice my master Jamyang Khyentse always used to give to people who…