Maine E-Learning 101 with Dr. Curt Madison
Dr. Curt Madison, the new director of distance learning for the University of Maine System, says E-learning has the potential to open the walls of the classroom to a worldwide group of learners.
Dr. Curt Madison, the new director of distance learning for the University of Maine System, says E-learning has the potential to open the walls of the classroom to a worldwide group of learners.
Karim Khan, our man in Pakistan, sent me a link revealing the work of poet Afzal Shauq. I think you’ll like it. Karim in country editor for Instanlogs.
Robin Farmer, guest reviewer for “Me and Orson Wells,” brings a compelling view to Jana Segal’s Reel Inspiration. I’m eager to see this film; I know exactly who I want to see it with–a playwright. Here’s how Robin’s review begins: Based on Robert Kaplow’s novel of the same name, “Me and Orson Welles” is a…
Check out Rod McClaren’s new blog “Village Rainbow.” Show him some love and tell him what you’d like to know about that village rainbow and its village wisdom for the 21st century. Rod is a hard-working development chief living at Busua Beach in Ghana. Thus, he is more commonly addressed affectionately by his honorary chief’s…
Read Janet’s article “How to Make and Produce an Audio Book” on Blogging Authors…complete with illustrative videos for each step.
Sightlines Janet Grace Riehl iUniverse Inc. ISBN: 0-595-37499-9 Genre(s): Poetry Reviewed by Ernest Dempsey Death sometimes brings about a radical swing in the way the survivors look at life. Janet Grace Riehl, an award-winning author, has written a poetry book Sightlines (iUniverse Inc., Lincoln, 2006) that expresses her feelings about the beauties and frailties of…
In her Harvard Commencement address J.K. Rowling is funny, dignified, deep, and delightful. Speaking of the lowest point in her life and how it prepared the way for writing her big idea, she says: “So why do I talk about the benefits of failure? Simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential. I…