Buddha in a Cup of Tea–Vince Horn & Kenneth Cohen
Buddhist Geeks? Yup. To listen in to a conversation about tea and spiritual practice, click here.
Buddhist Geeks? Yup. To listen in to a conversation about tea and spiritual practice, click here.
Eden Maxwell needs your votes to reach finalist in the Talenthouse Art Competition! Vote for Eden’s witty figurative painting “The Readymade.” What’s a Readymade? These burst upon the art world through Marcel Duchamp. André Breton and Paul Éluard’s in their Dictionnaire abrégé du Surréalisme defines a Readymade as “an ordinary object elevated to the dignity…
An Heir to the Black Mountain Poets Visits Observable Readings Feb. 4 Poet Thomas Meyer, executive director of a society that published legendary Black Mountain poets such as Charles Olson, Robert Duncan, and Robert Creeley; will read from his work at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 4, at the Schlafly Bottleworks on 7260 Southwest Ave….
Anthology Call for Submissions Wisdom Has a Voice: Every Daughter’s Memories of Mother Editors: Kate Farrell & Lynn Henriksen This groundbreaking anthology, to be released October 2011, will include 25 true and compelling stories about mother (or mother figures) that express the wisdom shared or learned from a particular experience. We are looking for personal…
Those of you who went to Sunday School will recognize my play on words with the beattitudes (be-attitudes). Coming back from such a sea-change trip, I wanted to count some blessings I received on home ground in this post. In another post, I’ll count blessings footloose and abroad. 1) Send-off Dinner. Before I left, Doreen…
Between August 4th to August 26th, Riehlife travels to Southern Africa—South Africa and Botswana. I’ve decided not to take too many gadgets, so I’ll be leaving my laptop and cellphone at home. I’ll be in erratic computer contact, so I cannot say if I’ll be able to update Riehlife while I’m gone or not. Maybe…
My younger cousin Nathan Newberry is an ace at restoring cars. Here is one of a series of videos letting us in on his process with a 1971 Olds “S71” Color Test Panel. This is Nathan’s longest video at 7:12 minutes.