Writing Process Tips by Damaria Senne
Damaria Senne, my blogging buddy and friend from South Africa, is adept at both professional and creative writing.
Damaria Senne, my blogging buddy and friend from South Africa, is adept at both professional and creative writing.
Ann Parker’spresents us with a third novel in her Silver Rush Mystery Series. “Leaden Skies” follows “Silver Lies” and “Iron Ties.” Nice touch how the last word of each title rhymes, no? This one is once again masterfully entertaining with underlying themes of changing women’s roles and the settling of the West. This intense story…
I’ve just posted the last column in the six-part Creative Catalyst cycle on the topic of multi-talented creativity. This is a guest post on Story Circle Network’s “Telling Her Stories.” Always fun for you to join in the dialogue. Here’s the link: Multi-talented? Ask the Creative Catalyst
Each year since Julia’s death in a car crash, August 16, 2004 is a day to pause to remember her in a special way. Here’s what I said for Julia’s fifth anniversary. Each year changes my relationship to this date. The last poem of “Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary” is “Anniversary.” You can listen to it…
Week Four June 22-26 We’re into week four now, with 1/3 of the tour completed. Thanks for those of you following the tour. Go to Eden’s site for this week’s TREASURE HUNT CLUE. Then, contact Janet with the answer to win a FREE copy of our audio book “Sightlines: A Family Love Story in Poetry…
Alethea Eason commenting on the post “Building a Creative Practice is not for whimps” said: I believe that having regular session to do creative work is essential, but it may not be practical to have this occur every day, especially with a full time job, family, etc. I used to feel I was “failing” because…
Join us on Story Circle Network’s Telling Her Stories as Stephanie Farrow and I continue to discuss the essentials of collaboration in our Creative Catalyst column. This month? Without trust, collaboration ain’t gonna work.