Kwanda video: South Africa launches self-help program
New media for old problems. Click: “Full Story” to watch video.
New media for old problems. Click: “Full Story” to watch video.
Alex Detrick pulled together another fine evening last night at the Missouri History Museum, featuring Independent Lens film “Iron Ladies of Liberia” which will later air on KETC/Channel 9 April 6th at 11 p.m. Click here for video clip and political background on Liberia and the film. Click here for 2005 Washington Post article written…
At the Albuquerque Airport I stepped out, curbside, looking for some sensible way to carry four containers with only two arms. I was toting two small suitcases, a side bag, and the familiar family solution for overflow—a cardboard box. My friend chauffeuring me spotted the carts. The price seemed right—just a quarter. Yippee! I had…
During my years of community development in Gabane, Botswana (just outside of Gaborone, home of the fictional Precious Ramotswe) working to set up and stabilize Tswaragano Craft Center there, I sat in many a Kgotla meeting or community and tribal council (see Wikipedia note at end of post). Last week in the cave of the…
At the Mercy of the River: An Exploration of the Last African Wilderness by Peter Stark “There is always something new coming out of Africa.” –Pliny the Elder
Wole Soyinka So here I am at the Wole Soyinka Symposia at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, about as happy as a girl can be and still remain in her skin! The brainpower in this auditorium hooked up to electrical generators could solve the world energy problems and light up every nation around the world….
When I received this full letter sent by Kenyan Friends (Quakers) to the two disputing leaders about the state of Kenya and the election and the contextualizing comments from David Zarembka, I felt moved to share it on Riehlife. As Dawn L. Rubbert from the St. Louis Quaker group says, “This is important history. It…
Thanks Janet, for helping to spread the message. It’s now the countdown for the launch of the programme on Wednesday night, and I can’t wait:-)