All Things Harry Potter–A weekend release–WSJ article, street fair, TV news, breakfast conversation, math problems, and a movie outing

It was a long Harry Potter Weekend, even out here in the Midwest. On Friday I read about the pirating of “Deathly Halllows” and Scholastic’s countermeasures in the Wall Street Journal as I sat down for a “Fish in a Boat” lunch at a bohemian cafe near the City Museum where I’d gone to watch…

Riehlife Responds to 8 Random Facts Meme: Tag, I’m It–Background and Okay, NINE Facts

Susan Tweit and Jane Kirkpatrick tagged me for the EIGHT RANDOM FACTS meme which, upon doing a google search, I discovered is going around the blogging world like measles. Who knew? What’s a Meme, Mom? Here’s how Susan Tweit defines a meme:” The word originated with British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, who used it first…

Questions on Fame! and the search for “Inspector #9”—by Daniel Holland–2007 Nominee for Art Star of Lake County and Artistic Director of Comedy on Tilt

What is fame to you? How would you know if you were famous? What would that do for you personally, if you were famous? What would it represent? Mean? How big an area would you have to be famous in to be satisfied? Does the itch to be famous ever stop, have boundaries, or just…

Two Story-Poems of reaching across culture gaps to forge new understandings and race unity

Today on Riehlife I’m featuring two poems that came to me simultaneously from my father, Erwin A. Thompson, and my writing friend Arletta Dawdy. Both, curiously, sound similar chords, perhaps on different instruments, so I wanted to run them together. Artletta’s poem presents a coming of age story…a searching and a finding that goes beyond…

“Good-bye for now! Good-bye, Good-bye!” Janet Riehl’s so-long celebration with community art friends

I needed to have a going away party. And, so I did. Atop one of the loveliest, furthest-sweeping views of Clear Lake, at the Riviera Heights Club House, 30 friends–artists, writers, musicians, actors–met to celebrate the day, our art connections, good food (from the Mexican Restaurant T&T at the Lake), home-made music, singing, dancing, poetry,…

“I remember”–the daughter & the woman’s mother (from heaven)

The Daughter Remembers I remember when you woke me, Mom, at 1 a.m., against all precedent, to watch the shimmering red-blue aurora borealis and the dark night and stillness. You wrapped me in a red-checked blanket and held me close, until I fell asleep against you, arms wrapped tight. I remember when you divided the…