Riehl’s “Sightlines” Spotlighted: Life in the Modern World on Dianne K. Salerni’s highspirited site

Dianne K. Salerni offers monthly Spotlights of Independent Author Guild books on the pages on her High Spirited site. This month’s spotlight theme features non-fiction, poetry, and contemporary fiction for Life in the Modern World “Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary” shares good company with these other Independent Author Guild Members and their books. Floyd Orr Kevin…

Smith Magazine’s Six-word Memoir Project (as heard on NPR)…and now…Story Circle Network Podcast

Six-word memoir was hot this year. And, it’s fun as well. Some time back I phoned in my 6-word memoir: Country girl roamed. Home grazing sweetest. and my 6-word description of “Sightlines: A Poet’s Diary” A downhome family lovestory beyond death. for the May Story Circle Network Podcast. Frankly, I’d forgotten all about it. Then,…