Conversation Starter: What if…you drew the lines for coloring? Or, Colored without lines?

You know the slogan, “coloring inside the lines”? What if, you colored outside the lines? Or, drew the lines for coloring? Or, colored without lines? How would your life change? How would your art change? How would society change? Have you ever considered how you fit into conformist America?

Black Rep “Othello” director Chris Anthony explores connections, connotations, revelations in conversation with each other

At the bottom of this post you’ll see several links leading you to responses to the St. Louis Black Reperatory Company’s production of “Othello.” Some I feel are reactionary and some responsive. But, here, speaking directly for herself from the “Othello” program notes is Chris Anthony. —JGR From Chris Anthony’s letter in the “Othello” prograM…