Tweit & Riehl begin “Blog Duet”: How do we nurture ourselves and still nurture the world?

Susan Tweit, began our blog duet yesterday,Tuesday, February 12, 2008, with her post on “Community of the Land,” titled “Finding your balance: outward and inward.” Susan J. Tweit telling plant stories in Colorado Janet Riehl performs “Big Butts Are Beautiful” As a journalist, memoirist, blogger, and speaker I’ve known Susan through two organizations: Women Writing…

Janet Riehl celebrates 59 years—a revelatory conversation gestures the way to choreograph a creative life and bring forth many talents and art disciplines

Seventeen years ago (December 1990) I taped and transcribed this conversation with Lynda Caesara when I lived in the Bay Area. I’ve excerpted some portions I thought relevant to the themes of my Riehlife…creating connections through the arts, across cultures, and generations….and my role as catalyst and nexus. It is a snapshot of a stage…