SCN Conference Silent Auction Sampling

Silent auctions can be good fund-raisers for organizations. Here at the Story Circle Network National Memoir Conference in Austin, we’re having one, too. Cleverly, after the rousing keynote address by Nancy Slonim Aronie (who turned out to be my sister in socks), the closing event of the evening was a lovely dessert buffet in the room where the to-be-coveted silent auction objects were beautifully arrayed.

Completely donated from the membership, were the following category of items (Dani Greer of Women Writing the West—this one’s for you!):

handmade art jewelry
books written by SCN members
(including Cindy Bellinger and Susan Wittig Albert)
Stash tea
fabric luggage tags
a hand-crafted raku clay heart (made by the trusty envelope method…very cool…you put two slabs of clay together, leave a hole, and then blow into the piece, inspiriting it with your own breath…then, wipe your mouth, honey…made these in art school and it’s a great technique)
handmade baby quilt
self-help CDs
purses, ornate and fabric
health club package
spa day passes
stationary/handmade papers
a Beauty Bucket

Yes, “Writers are often creative in other ways,” as the woman who pulled all this together said.

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