Mara Purl’s many talents come home

Just one side of Mara Purl! Mara Purl is one of the ultimate hyphenates/slashers: author/actress/producer/artist/musician/playwrite. Talk about creating connections through the arts and across cultures! Head on over to Mara Purl’s guest blog post on Type M for Murder where she tells the story about a life of multi-talents coming into focus and fruition. Also,…

Mara Purl: Koto at Lincoln Center then twirls to “Child Secrets” awards upon return home

Mara Purl, a colleague from Women Writing the West, knows the challenges and advantages of being multi-faceted in our artistic work. Mara says she’s a “hyphenate” (how cross-genre folks are designated in Hollywood.) She refers to her web site as “an eco-system with interconnecting gardens” and you’ll be amazed at the multi-talent you’ll find there….