Authors! “How to Get Quoted in the Media”–an e-book. A Riehlife chat with Damaria Senne

Damaria Senne is one of my closest Blogging Buddies. When I visited South Africa in 2008 she hosted me at her home in Johannesburg and in her home village where I stayed with her family. Her warmth, intelligence, talent, and humor are qualities I cherish in our friendship. Damaria is a writer based in Johannesburg….

“Reclaiming Our Pride” by Damaria Senne (for 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign)

My friend Damaria Senne writes to us from Johannesburg, South Africa, about an international campaign “16 Days Against Gender Violence.” She lays out the problem, tells about the campaign, and gives practical steps for joining the Campaign Against Gender Violence. –JGR _________________ RECLAIMING OUR PRIDE by Damaria Senne Most of the time I’m very proud…

Kwanda (wealth & growth): Reality TV for Social Action & Community Development in South Africa

Damaria Senne is a writer based in Johannesburg. She chats about her life as a writer and mother on Storypot. In addition to writing about technology( , she also blogs for OneLove, a regional HIV prevention campaign spanning 9 countries Southern Africa. The campaign encourages people to have one sexual partner at a time, and…

Post-Apartheid: A White Woman and a Black Woman Walk Down the Street…It is Unremarkable.

A woman in an on-line group I belong to shared this comment with me: “I was at an Romance Writers of America party in the early ’90’s and we were talking about apartheid and a best selling author said, ‘What’s apartheid?’ It spoiled my whole concept of her.” I’d been noodling with how to re-commence…

“Getting to Know You” blogging Meme…ta-da-ta-da…”Getting to know what to say…”

Sing along, now, everybody, all together: “Getting to know you, Getting to feel free and easy When I am with you, Getting to know what to say” That’s the essence of the “Getting to Know You” blogging meme which Isabella Mori of Change Therapy has just tagged me to participate in. Poinsetta, December-child’s flower DECEMBER…

(African Culture of Story Series) Damaria Senne: Stories from The Place of the Mist, Part 2

For me, the difficult part of storytelling as a career was telling the stories I wanted to tell, in my own way. Locally, there is a growing movement towards the telling of indigenous stories. You’d think I would fit within that movement, wouldn’t you? Yet, I feel like a square peg in a round hole….