Ask the Creative Catalyst: Make new stuff? Promote old stuff? “It’s driving me nuts.”.

It’s a truism that artists would rather dodge promotion as much as dodging a bullet. There are holes in that, of course. Some creative folks enjoy creating promotion as much as creating the the work itself. However…for those of us who are timid and sometimes thwarted by promoting our work, here are some thoughts. All ya gotta do is Ask the Creative Catalyst.

Writer: I am most terrified of promoting my work. In fact, I am cowering at the thought. I know I need to think of it as an extension of my writing, not as a daunting, “other thing.” But, how?

Creative Catayst: If you want to use your art to make money–or even to get your work out to the public–then, you have to promote your work. Or, pay someone to do it. For almost all of us, it has to be us because we don’t have the bucks to hire it out. And, even then, some promotion can only be done by us. There are many good books to help us (such as “Fearless Creating,” by Eric Maisel), and so many pals who are happy to lend a hand.

Writer: I can’t figure out how to balance promoting my past work while making new work.

Creative Catalyst: Each artist has her own rhythm and scheduling needs and all the rest of it. There are many practical considerations to factor in–even before the psychological ones. You are doing so many things.Give yourself some breathing space, Girl. You don’t have to do everything all at once. It’s okay to promote and do a good job. And then claim some creating space later. It can be a rotation.

Look closely at what will meet your needs most effectively. Even if it’s not perfect. You can always shift to another solution later when your situation changes.

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